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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
MARMALADE +butterfly 14, 18, 25, 35
MARVEL AGRO MA +butterfly 8
MASTER PRINTS +butterfly 40
MAURA WASESCHA +butterfly 3, 14, 20, 24, 25, 35, 36
MELBROO gwalior +butterfly 24
MELISMA +butterfly 19
MEMORE +butterfly 35
butterfly 35
MENKA MATCHING +butterfly 24
MG ENTERPRISE +butterfly 39
MICRO +butterfly 32
MILONEE +butterfly 24, 25
MINIKET rice +butterfly 30
MINTGREEN +leaves butterfly 19
butterfly 42
MIRANGI +butterfly 35
MISCGOMA +butterfly 24
MISHKA +butterfly 25
MIVA +butterfly 3
MOMY'S FRIEND +butterfly 43
MONARU +butterfly 9, 41
MOOIANS +globe & butterfly 25, 29, 30, 31, 35
MOTONAS +butterfly 4
MYST +butterfly 16
N nippon paint +butterfly 2
NANHI KALI +butterfly 41
NATALIA +butterfly & square 24, 25, 26
NATURAM +leaf & butterfly 3
NEC LIFE +butterfly 1, 3, 5, 9, 10, 16
NECK FRAGRANCES +butterfly 35
NECTAR +flower & butterfly 16
NEELAM +butterfly 42
NEOMORPHIC +butterfly & arc 42
NEPHRO PLUS +butterfly cros 44
NEW ASIAN +butterfly 3
NEWAGE +butterfly 25
NILESH +butterfly & flower 21
NILESH +butterfly & plant 21
NR DOOR +butterfly & arc 19
NUTRITEEN +flower butterfly 5
NYSSA +butterfly 2, 16
OCU FLEX +butterfly 10
OLD BERRI +butterfly 25
OLGO +butterfly 16, 30, 35
PALISAD +butterfly 7
PALISAD +butterfly & square 6, 8, 11, 12, 17, 21
PALLAVI +butterfly 34
PALMFLY +butterfly 5
butterfly 34
PANDORA'S PITARA +butterfly 14
PAPILLION +butterfly 3
PAPILLON +butterfly 7, 9
PAPILLON ORIGINE +butterfly 30
PAPILON +butterfly 25, 30, 35, 41, 42
PAPILON +butterfly & square 25
butterfly 25
PARAS +butterfly 21
PICANZA NO. 5001 +butterfly 24
PICK PACK +butterfly 17
PINK TITLI +butterfly & ova 3
butterfly 25
PINK-ROSE +butterfly flower 25
PINKY hair grip +butterfly 26
PLEXITONE syrup +butterfly 5
PRAJAPATI +butterfly circle 29
PREMVATI fashion +butterfly 25
PRISM +butterfly 18
PRISTINE +butterfly & oval 37
PRISTINE PROLIFE +butterfly 36, 37
PROLIFE +butterfly 36, 37
PTC +butterfly 14
PUPA +butterfly 35
R ROMAGNA FURS +butterfly 18, 25
RAIGUR +butterfly 18
RAINBOW +butterfly 27
RAJMAHAL +butterfly & crown 25
RAJNI +flowers & butterfly 24
RAN GALLERY +butterfly 2
RANGAT distemper +butterfly 2
RARUS +butterfly 25
RATHI +flower & butterfly 25
RAYLON +butterfly & flower 25
RDTM +butterfly 24
RED COOPER EKTA +butterfly 25
REET +butterfly 44
REGRO +butterfly 44
RHICO +butterfly 20
RICHA TEX +butterfly & oval 24
RISTA +butterfly & plant 34
RISTA +butterfly & stars 20
RKS GRAND +butterfly square 24
ROOP SHRINGAR +butterfly 24, 35
ROS +butterfly 25
ROSELI +butterfly 18
RUCHI TEX +butterfly & oval 24
RUTWIK +map & butterfly 39
S-BLUE +butterfly 25
butterfly 41, 42
SACRED GROVE +butterfly 35
SAGAR textiles +butterfly 24
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